Monday, March 27, 2006

A Hallmark Moment

I had a Hallmark moment today, one of those times that you realize could be on a television commercial specifically designed to make people cry and buy greeting cards.

I was standing in the kitchen making lunch for K and the kids, when I looked outside and saw my beautiful wife playing soccer with our two beautiful kids, and the sun was slanting down on them in just the right way, and of course the bulbs K planted last summer are turning into flowers, and our trees are blossoming right now, and the kids and K all looked so happy and they were laughing with each other.

It's one of those moments that I couldn't have imagined ten years ago. How could I understand how much it means to have a fun-loving wife who enjoys our kids? Or really, how could I imagine having a job that was flexible enough for me to be home for lunch to see this?

Thank God for the blessing of Krista, who makes our house home, encapsulates half of what I love about our kids, makes me a better person and helps me enjoy all the other, lesser blessings of life.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    wow. that was really beautiful. :)

  2. Did you see it, too? ;)
