Thursday, July 27, 2006

new Story

Hey, friends. The Sword Review, a Christian speculative fiction magazine, has just posted my story, "Chariots." Enjoy.

P.S. I told you that this was Science-fiction week at BHR, didn't I?


  1. Loved the story, very reminisent of Issac Asimov.

  2. I can always trust you to know about science fiction and fantasy, Luke. Why, I vividly remember you sitting in the audience during the Budapest midyear when Dave Robinson was talking, and how you shouted out, "LEMBAS!"

    Thanks for the kind words about the story.

  3. Matt, I liked the story too. Though you can't trust me at all for either science fiction or fantasy. I do know practical jokesters though and that Uncle Roy is all-time!
