Tuesday, July 26, 2011

40 Day Fast Day Twenty-Two: Baggy Pants

Pretty sure these guys are fasting.

I took Baby M today and we went to the store to buy some new jeans. Mine have gotten so baggy that they're annoying to wear. I also took a long nap on the couch today. I was so cold that I put a blanket on and pulled my hood on over my head while I slept. One advantage to being so cold all the time is that at long last I can pay my wife back in bed with my ice cold feet. Mooowhahahahaaa!

Also... somehow my count of days is all off and I can’t figure out how. Krista pointed out that I had day 40 on our calendar a day early, and now somehow I’m a day behind where I thought I was, and I have to rearrange everything and push it back a day. Sigh. I can't even count right when I'm fasting. I'm pretty sure my body is trying to trick my brain into eating early. 

Tomorrow I'm doing a day with the Lord (at long last). Should be nice.

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