Thursday, June 22, 2006

Yo ho yo ho the writer's life for me!

We got home from CR yesterday and I went to get the mail. First, I had a free copy of Waking Lazarus waiting for me, which got me pretty excited. It looks good and you'll be seeing a review of it in the next couple of weeks.

The second thing waiting in the mailbox was MY FIRST CHECK for a published story. Woohoo! The story will be in the July/August issue of The Wittenburg Door.

The third thing awaited me in my e-mail box (through which I am still sifting, so patience my friends if you have written me a note). It was a note from the editor of The Sword Review. They've accepted my story, "Chariots" and need me to sign a contract. It's my second sale and my third accepted story.


  1. congrats! now ... when are you going to write a story about me? I'd bet you that it would be a best seller ... ok maybe not, my life is pretty boring.

  2. Glad you guys are back! It will be fun to hear more. Congrats on the publishing... Kerri

  3. Congrats, Matt. Great news.

    Did you get your copy of Donita Paul's book, DragonKnight? I've been linking to you for the current tour. Somehow I missed that you'd be ... well, OUT of TOWN. Heheh.

    Glad you had a safe trip.


  4. Yay! This is so wonderful.

  5. Matt,

    I wanted to answer you here to make sure you saw it.

    No problems, brother. The tour went well, I think.

    I'd love to have you still join in--never too late, I say. To what degree is up to you--from linking to DragonKnight at the Amazon URL and to Donita Paul's web site to a full review of the book and an interview with her. You could also point your readers to the posts from other bloggers you found interesting.

    Obviously I have no way of knowing how much time you have to give to the SFF blog tour.

    BUT, if you let me know what you decide, I'll happily link to you next week so readers will know there is more touring they can enjoy.

    BTW, one of the other bloggers was away last week, too, and will be writing posts post-tour. ;-)

    (Note to self: get e-mail addies of participants in order to send reminders of the tour ahead of time).


  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Congratulations! Will you remember us revolutionists when you are famous?
    Have you read Frederick Buechner? Such beautiful writing...I like his autobiographical stuff - like The Sacred Journey, Now and Then, Telling Secrets , better than the novels ...

  7. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Soooo exciting! Congratulations Matthew!!!

  8. WOOHOO!!! I'm super glad for you bro! See you soon!
