Monday, November 07, 2005

Discovery of the "oldest church building" in Israel

Click here for the full story.

I think it's particularly interesting that the cross wasn't used as a symbol of Christianity until the fourth century. I guess we should see fish in places other than the bumpers of our cars.

Also, if you're the sort of nutty impolite person that doesn't know why we call comments on a blog "threads" (i.e. that the comments have something to do with the original post) I wonder if you might take a moment to leave a completely unrelated message about your own internet sales site. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam. Thanks for taking the time to advertise on my site. Since only my friend Chris and I read it, I guess your little robot wasted its time posting here.

    p.s. At least your robot is polite.
    p.p.s. I'm glad you followed the directions at the end of my post. Nice to know someone is reading.
