Monster Guide. One of fun extras in the back of Night of the Living Dead Christian is the Layman's Self-Diagnosis Guide to Common Monstrosities in which you can discover if you are a monster, and if so, which monster best describes you. You can read it online here. It has made for some great conversations with people.
Radio, radio, radio. That particular Guide was posted when Chris Fabry interviewed me on his radio show. You can hear that interview (waaaaaaay back on Halloween) here. I know you are picturing the author, giant headphones on, talking in a small room that looks somewhat like Dr. Frasier Crane's workplace. This illusion will be shattered by the moment in this interview when my sobbing daughter bursts into the bedroom where I am calling into the show on my phone. This was an embarrassing moment. As I recall I said something like, "Two-year-old daughter! Can't you see that your father is trying to appear professional right now?" Not really. But I thought it.
Fan art! Another fun moment was my first piece of fan art to be sent in, by Josh Alves. Here it is:
Josh and I have exchanged some notes with some ideas of things we might like to do together in the future. Pretty great.
CSFFers, feel free to use these in your blog posts if you like. And remember, I'm giving one of you a free, signed copy of NLDC and a limited edition poster! Get to work and have fun!
I like the fan art. Will go to bookstore one of these days and find this book..