Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Things In My House

I was only joking before when I said that I would visit my missionaries in Spain and bring them little gifts like magazines from the plane.

But then it dumped snow on our little corner of the earth for some reason, making it impossible for us to go shopping without simultaneously knocking our car into lots of other cars.

So, Krista and I have made a list of "gifts" that we can bring from our own house to encourage and uplift our beloved missionaries. Here's what we have sitting next to our suitcases right now:

1) A couple of books from the "sell this to Powell's" box in the garage.
2) A half-full can of "chili and lime" almonds
3) Some cornbread
4) "Wiggles" VHS tapes ("A Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas")
5) A pair of new but inexplicably unmatched socks
6) A small container of snow for each person

It's like a homemade Christmas. And somehow I just think it's going to be one of the best. God bless us, every one.


  1. Sweet! I've been whining about someone sending me snow. This is perfect. You better not let it melt on the way over though. Then it doesn't count.

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    hey, sorry we weren't able to meet up on my one day in portland. hope you enjoyed the snow, though--we did!
