Monday, April 16, 2012

Why I'm up in the middle of the night

Because I'm doing my taxes. And for whatever reason, this is the time I prefer, once a year, sitting at "the homework table" while Krista and the kids are sleeping. Maybe because it seems like homework, what with all the math and remembering things and vague panic.

But now it's done. If I were in college I would ghost along down the hallways and see who else was up, and no doubt I'd end up sitting in someone's dorm room listening to music or watching Twin Peaks or talking about nothing while my dorm mate sat up on the counter with the window open so they could smoke. Then in the morning I'd get up at 10:30 and roll out of bed, have breakfast at 11 and get to class by 11:30.

Wow. I suddenly miss college.

In other news: taxes done for another year. Yay!

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