Monday, April 18, 2011

The Strange Man by Greg Mitchell

The Strange Man (The Coming Evil)Once a month my valiant friends in the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy tour group read a book and write interesting reviews, interviews, and various blog posts about that book and whatever it might light off in the powder kegs of their minds. This month they are reading The Strange Man by author Greg Mitchell.

The Strange Man is the story of a young man named Matt Mikalatos  Dras Weldon who loves horror movies and comic books and isn't too focused on his Christian faith... until a demonic stranger arrives and begins to threaten his friends.

To learn more, check out my esteemed colleagues now through Wednesday:

Noah Arsenault
Red Bissell
Kathy Brasby
Grace Bridges
Beckie Burnham
Amber French
Tori Greene
Katie Hart
Timothy Hicks
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Inae Kyo
Emily LaVigne
Shannon McDermott
Matt Mikalatos
Gavin Patchett
Andrea Schultz
Kathleen Smith
Donna Swanson
Jessica Thomas
Steve Trower
Fred Warren
Dona Watson
Phyllis Wheeler


  1. Heheh--I had to use the strange man joke in my first post, too, but I put Greg in it. Love your humor, Matt. Thanks for introducing your visitors to the tour feature.


  2. Funny! Now, tell us what you thought of the book?

  3. Phyllis... I'm sorry to say that I haven't read it! The tour snuck up on me and I haven't even *bought* it yet. I know, it's lame. But I wanted to get my gang from the blog here gettting out there seeing what you all had to say!
