Monday, February 01, 2010

New Title: Get an Advanced copy of the Imaginary Jesus audio book BEFORE IT COMES OUT!!!!

One of the greatest disadvantages for Tyndale (the excellent publishers of Imaginary Jesus) is the constant demands of the ravenous fans that this book be released early.  It really is a hardship, but they are sticking to their guns.  APRIL FIRST they have said, over and over, as people call their offices, send angry e-mails and - in one unfortunate incident -threw a brick into their office with a note on it that said "You will get REAL BRICKS once a week until I get Imaginary Jesus." 

To help alleviate the tension a bit, Tyndale has allowed Christian Audio, the geniuses who put together the audio book version, to release the audio book before the print book!  In fact, you can buy it on CD RIGHT NOW!  Or you can download it at Christian Audio and be listening to it in a few minutes.  

Despite the ignorant paragraph above, penned by ridiculous authors who think they are in the know (cough cough Mikalatos) this audio book remains unavailable.  UNLESS YOU HAPPEN TO BE ME AND HAVE A COUPLE OF COPIES RIGHT NOW ON YOUR NIGHTSTAND.  And it just so happens that I do happen to be me, and thus have copies on my nightstand.  And therefore please read the sentence in red below:


To keep things simple, I'm going to use a random number generator to pick one person at random from the Imaginary Jesus e-mail list.  So sign up here for your chance to win!  I'll announce the winner a week from today.
That's right! Be the first to listen to the audio book!  Amaze your friends!  Shame your enemies!   Obfuscate your pursuers!  Verb your nouns!  Do it today!