Friday, May 01, 2009

Art show this weekend

If you have some free time and you want to go see some beautiful watercolors by our most infamous friend, The Omnivore, then you need to head to the beach tomorrow.

Here's a news article about the show


  1. Do you see Chris much? I was thinking how fun it would be to do a BCHS drama reunion of some kind, complete with home video viewings of the productions (Taming of the Shrew, Play On, etc.). Maybe near the 20 yr. reunion...

  2. Play On would be fun as long as Matt "forgets" to zip up his fly again.

    Thanks for the plug, my friend. We had a successful, encouraging, opening reception!

  3. Ho ho ho. Don't make me bring up the tights for Tranio.

    Glad the show went well and wish I could have made it out there. I look forward to hearing about it!

    Jennene... I think that sounds like a fun idea. Let's do it! And no, I don't see Chris nearly often enough.
