A few of you have written and asked how to get free books. Here are two places you can go check out "blogger review programs" for a couple of Christian publishers. Basically, you agree to write a short review of how you liked (or disliked) the book that's sent to you and in return they ship you a book.
You can work a little harder and get involved in blog tours or write a publisher and ask for a specific book, but here's a quick and easy way to pick from recent books that publishers are wanting to create a bit of buzz for:
NavPress blogger review program
Thomas Nelson blogger review program
Not sure what happened with that book from Tyndale, but once you've requested a book from someone they may send you more in the future.
As for me, I love books. If you send me a book I'll at least mention it on the blog. So feel free to deluge my mail box, O Publisher Friends.
Yesssss!!!! Just requested my first book from Thomas Nelson...the new Andy Stanley book. Sweet.