Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Eavesdropping With Matt (Episode Thirteen...spooky)

Dedicated to the worker at Hollywood Video, who had dressed in black and then wrapped a black t-shirt around his face. He then--in front of his co-workers who were dressed as a witch and a wedge of cheese--attempted to do an ill-advised flip behind the counter and landed on his ninja rump.


Cheese: That was almost awesome! Ha ha ha!

Ninja: Shut up!

Witch: Do it again!

Ninja: Shut up!

Cheese: You better watch it or we'll both get a shuriken to the forehead!

Witch: Ha ha haaa!


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Ok, so when I read this at first aparently I wasn't paying close enough attention because I missed the part about another coworker being a wedge of cheese. So when I went to read the dialog I was so confused as to where the wedge of cheese came from...haha. It's late maybe I should just go sleep now.

  2. I think we've all had that moment in our lives when we stop and ask, "Where did this wedge of cheese come from?"
