Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday: The Art of M.S. Corley

Last week I stumbled on the blog of M.S. Corley. I was actually looking at book covers online and discovered his Harry Potter covers that were made to look like old Penguin books. Like this:

As I looked through Mr. Corley's work, I saw a lot of things to like. This picture of Jonah is a favorite:

 It turns out that he's also a professional comic book artist as well, most recently working on The Strange Case of Mr. Hyde, in which a detective requires the help of Mr. Hyde (yup, that one) to track down and stop the terrors of Jack the Ripper (yup, that guy).

I found his work so much to my liking that I dropped him a note saying how much I loved it, and then we started emailing back and forth and then we talked on the phone and, well, suffice it to say we're cooking up some interesting things together which I hope to eventually share with everybody here. In the meantime, go check out his blog and dig around a little, there's a lot of fun stuff on it!

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