Friday, February 11, 2011

Do you ever feel like someone is lurking behind you, watching your every move and waiting to POUNCE?

Sometimes I like to sneak up behind people who are getting their picture taken and insert myself into the scenery. Surprise!


  1. HAHA! This makes me laugh, but slightly jealous that my teammates made your blog! :)

  2. Jennie (a teammate not in the picture) just said: "Shannon do not admit your jealousy. Keep it inside! Amateur!" She wishes she could be friends with you Matt, she would like to be a writer too.

  3. Ladies, ladies, ladies. Don't be jealous. There is plenty of creepy stalker to go around. Tell Jennie to write me and we'll work on getting her published. :)

  4. It must be your inner Mr. Bean trying to get out.

  5. Blake7:41 AM

    Oh, there is definitely plenty of creepy stalker where they live. Trust me.
