Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free Mosaic Bible here at BHR!

Great news! You may recall me gushing over the artsy beauty and theological richness of the new NLT Mosaic Bible-- a Bible that has devotionals built around the church calendar with art, creeds, quotes and hymns from across the centuries and around the world. Well, thanks to the generosity of one of its editors, David Sanford, I have TWO COPIES TO GIVE AWAY THIS WEEK!

I thought we would do it "random drawing style" to increase the appearance of casting lots. What could be more Biblical than that? I'll be doing the drawing this Friday night sometime, so get your entries in before Friday at 5pm Pacific.

You can get your name entered into the drawing up to four times. Here's how to do it:

1) Send me your email address using the form below. This DOES NOT sign you up for a newsletter. Don't believe the hype that will tell you otherwise. This just allows me to get your email in a way that keeps internet robots from learning your email address and telling you that you won the British lottery. 

Mosaic Bible drawing

Enter your email address:

Enter the 5-digit code displayed:

2) Leave a comment on this post. I will read all the comments, so feel free to try to sway me by saying things like, "A wild dog tore my own Bible to pieces and I really need this because it also got my wallet and my internet connection." But since this is a drawing it won't really matter. Make sure I have a way to contact you if you leave a comment.

3) Tweet about the giveaway this week. Be sure to include a link to this post, and if you want to make sure I see it you should probably put @mattmikalatos in your tweet, too.

4) Put a link to the giveaway on your blog. Again, you'll need to let me know about this (though I should see the incoming links).

So, there you have it. Four ways to win. I'll do the drawing on Friday, so the winners should be hearing from me this weekend. Good luck and may whoever is causing this terrible storm that is causing our ship to sink be the one to draw the shortest lot.


  1. Eight entries so far... pretty good odds!

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

    4. i don't blog regularly
    3. i don't twitter yet
    2. i have no creative stories about the loss of my bible or anything other than sheer cajolery about your stunning incredibleness.

    which leaves
    1. chance to win. i hope i do.

  3. Kim Greenwood7:28 PM

    I just made a pledge to buy no new books (except "Imaginary Jesus") until I've finished some of the gazillion books I've collected and not yet read this year. A free Bible would be the equivalent of a dose of methadone for this book junkie. Plus it looks really cool and who doesn't want a cool Bible to go with our shiny new sanctuary?

  4. um. cause the first time I put in my e-mail address I got it wrong...? (disregard haikey.roberge@gmail.com or whatever it was I put). I blame it on bad eyesight... glare from the screen... sigh.

    Oh I know, cause I go to Mosaic in Portland! Yeah!!

  5. nancy b7:57 AM

    It would be my dream come true. (OK, this is my first blog post ever...so I am upping my technology game to make a good effort here.)

  6. Help me, I am not nearly post-modern enough and need references to spiritual formation articles! It will make me look cooler when I speak too to be able to refer to ancient creeds. I think this Bible might be the answer to all i've been searching for!

  7. Now that I think of it, the concept of promoting this competition in order to be eligible is in itself counterproductive and the best odds I have of winning are therefore by uninspiring promotion such as, "You probably don't want one of the Bibles being offered by @mattmikalatos, but just in case, here's the link: http://mikalatos.blogspot.com/2009/09/free-mosaic-bible-here-at-bhr.html

  8. I never do these things, Matt -- It just sounds like something that Doug would really like and want to give it to him. That's my reason, plain and simple -- pretty much like everything I do, right?

  9. Okay, we're up to 30 entries... still good odds, though!

  10. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
    (I know it's random but you've got to have some level of control over the radnomness,right? It's your contest.)

  11. nancy b6:04 AM

    My link hasn't brought anyone to your comment page!! So, I will comment again to increase my odds. :-)

  12. Nancy, you can claim me as one of your links. You are an influencer!

  13. I could do with a new Bible. My current one is held together with duct tape

  14. Anonymous9:05 PM

    We were walking down the road when we saw some kids sliding down a mud chute to the river on these really big banana leaves. We grabbed a couple leaves (not kids) and slide down to the river and skidded accross the water. This BIG crodadile chased us back onto the shore and just as it was about to grab my friend with its BIG as daggers teeth. I put my bible sideways in its jaws to keep its mouth from closing. That's why I should get the new bible!!!
    Oh wait; its after nine...yet again, day late and probably several dollars short.
    Al Nonumus.
