Well, I'm off to Michigan State University's fall retreat this weekend, where I'm told the temperature will hit a high in the mid-40s. Yay!
In the meantime, here are some things for you to enjoy:
Speaking of Michigan, The Batman has been arrested there.
You might want to spend your weekend explaining to your loved ones why you are buying this hoodie.
I'm guessing you could use some dancing Power Rangers right about now:
You should already know everything about Double Rainbow if you're on the Internet (WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEEEAAAAN?) but maybe you haven't yet enjoyed this auto-tuned song of it:
In the world of Matt Mikalatos related stuff:
This interview about writing and The Sword of Six Worlds.
My interview chock full of lying about Sword of Six Worlds and Ben Affleck.
You can go read my new short story, A Vampire in the Church Choir for free here.
Or you can go read it on Amazon for 99 cents. Which reminds me, the other day it was climbing up the satire charts and I got this screenshot:
Okay, a post can't get any better than "In your face, Hitler!" I better call it a day for now. See you soon!
Leave comments with more links we should be entertaining ourselves with!
Can't wait to give your short story a read! Enjoyed NotLDC very much!