Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You Can't Handle the Tooth!

I went to the dentist today. I resolved to ask questions about anything I didn't understand, and thus learned many helpful things... like the number scale for pocket depth on your gums. (NOTE: Lower numbers are better. If they start saying things like, "THEY'RE BLEEDING!" that's probably a 5).

Here are some tips my hygenist gave me that I will pass along to you:

1) Floss at least once every 24 hours. This will help prevent increased pocket depth and the formation of bacteria and tartar.

2) When brushing near the gumline, brush at a 45 degree angle. This will lessen the plaque buildup.

3) More French Kissing. French kissing prevents plaque buildup and promotes healthy teeth.

(Alright, alright, I added that last part myself... but don't tell my wife because I have a note from the dentist saying we need to french kiss more.)


  1. I'm not sure what kind of material you're endorsing here, but the porn filter at work blocks your "french kissing prevents plaque buildup" link. Says "This site is blocked under the following categories: Sexual Materials." Nice.

  2. Don't worry, I am used to being censored. People have been doing it for years.

    Nothing overly offensive about the specific page I linked to. I haven't investigated the rest of the site, but maybe I should have... Eeek.
