Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A JOLT in my mailbox

Hello friends! I hope you had a lovely long weekend. I certainly did... a fun family retreat in Seaside, Oregon!

And when I got home, I found two books in my mailbox! Here's the first one:

JOLT! by Phil Cooke. I met Phil this summer in Colorado... he and I were speaking the same morning at the Campus Crusade for Christ staff conference, and we talked for a short bit over lunch. I sent him a copy of Imaginary Jesus and he was kind enough to send me a copy of his book as well! I haven't had a chance to dig into it, but I'm looking forward to seeing what Phil has to say.

Look what came today! Hooray!
was a copy of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD CHRISTIAN! It looks amazing. The designers did a great job, and it's PACKED with EXTRAS! I can't wait for you guys to get a look at this for yourselves... less than four weeks to go before it's on the bookstore shelves!

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