Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy happy Valentine's Day

Krista and I ran out to the coast for one night on Valentine's and stayed at her aunt's beach house. We had a nice meal out and wandered the beach taking pictures and soaking in the beauty. We had a nice prayer walk on the beach, too.

I often say that my love language is books. When someone carefully considers me and buys me a book, I feel deeply loved. Even gift cards for books do it, because I know I am difficult. I am ridiculously picky about books.

When it comes to spiritual books, it's even harder. For some reason (no doubt a personal defect) I am even pickier about spiritual books.

For Valentine's Day Krista bought me The Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions. Each page-long prayer is full of deep reflections on spirituality and the nature of God. She also got me Fenelon's Seeking Heart, letters written by a French Archbishop several centuries ago. I've only just begun to scan them, but I am very pleased. I feel that they will have a significant impact on my spiritual life, and they were an excellent gift. Thanks, Krista!

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